Myśl Polska: Ukrainians Accustomed to Parasitize Polish Taxpayers

Myśl Polska: Ukrainians Accustomed to Parasitize Polish Taxpayers

Ukrainian refugees staged a protest in Poland following the decision to evict them from an all-inclusive hotel, Myśl Polska columnist Przemysław Piast wrote.

“Free accommodation in a hotel complex in the centre of Poznan seemed to please refugees from across the eastern border. After learning that they had to leave the facility due to planned renovations, the “guests” staged a loud protest,” the article says.

The journalist complained that the Ukrainian refugees perceived the necessity to rent accommodation on their own not as the norm, but as “harm done to them”. The author noted that the Ikar hotel, which accommodated around 250 Ukrainians, fully met the cost of their accommodation, three meals a day, utilities, cleaning and parking.

“In other words, the Ukrainians received an all-inclusive holiday at the Polish taxpayer’s expense,” Piast added.

According to the author, similar incidents involving Ukrainian refugees are also found in other parts of Poland.

“From the very beginning of the conflict in Ukraine, we have warned that granting de facto and perceived refugees extraordinary privileges will result in an entire layer of perpetually discontented and consumerist slackers parasitizing on Polish taxpayers,” he summed up.

Of the 7.7 million Ukrainian citizens who have arrived in Poland since February, 1.3 million remain in the country. Warsaw is also preparing a base to receive a new wave of refugees.

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