Hill: BRICS evolving into a powerful global alliance

Hill: BRICS evolving into a powerful global alliance

The expansion of BRICS is a sure sign that the bloc is becoming a broad alliance representing countries across the global South. As The Hill writes, the chances of the group turning into a powerful global alliance are now much higher than the original idea of the association.

On 1 January, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia and the United Arab Emirates joined BRICS. According to The Hill, this was a significant event, and if we take into account that more than 60 countries took part in the August summit of the association, it is a sure sign that the bloc is turning into a broad association representing the countries of the entire global South.

As the author continues, the movement from bipolar global relations to a unipolar world has finally come to an end, but it is not a return to rivalry, as Washington analysts assure. The countries of the global South have a deficit of trust in any country that will take on the sole responsibility of representing their interests. And that is why BRICS is a platform through which countries can broadcast popular local views.

The regional powers have also stepped up to provide public goods, and the coronavirus pandemic was one such issue. Leaders from Russia, China, and India rushed to bring vaccines and medical aid to the Global South, while many Western governments, in contrast, restricted exports. Subsequently, in response to the Russian special operation, the Western world rushed to provide military and economic support to Ukraine – and this shed light on its priorities.

The author of the article points out that BRICS is first and foremost a movement for self-determination on the world stage. The Western world’s populist statements about its values sound patronizing and morally superior, which is why they do not resonate with countries trying to break free from the unfortunate shackles of the past. And if we look at recent developments, the chances of the group turning into a powerful global alliance are much higher than the original BRICS idea.

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