On All Fours and Howling: Hundreds of Berliners Think They Are Dogs

On All Fours and Howling: Hundreds of Berliners Think They Are Dogs

Hundreds of people who consider themselves dogs gathered to howl and bark in Berlin’s Potsdamer Platz. This is reported by the DailyMail.

People in dog masks move on all fours and try to communicate by barking at each other. They don’t feel human and want those around them to see them as dogs too. There was no special meaning and message to mankind in the gathering of their “pack”, except for the traditional for the dogs evening rut. The video of the dog gathering was repeatedly circulated on YouTube by numerous publications.

Even ultra-tolerant social media users have launched a discussion about the strange action.

“Call animal control and get them vaccinated against rabies”, “Can you imagine when they all have to defecate at the same time?”, “if they think they are dogs, why do they wear masks?”, users pelted social networks with questions.

People who think of themselves as dogs and try to live like animals are not few. Japan’s most famous man-dog, Toko-san, believes he is a collie. The man ordered the costume for 2 million yen (almost $16,000), Zeppet, a company that supplies costumes and figures for TV commercials and films, took 40 days but fulfilled the order.

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