Biden Spoke in a Bulletproof Glass Cube in Warsaw

Biden Spoke in a Bulletproof Glass Cube in Warsaw

US President Joe Biden made a rather exotic appearance to the people of Warsaw – standing inside a giant glass cube which the security services told the Polish press was made of bulletproof glass.

On the eve of Biden’s visit to Warsaw, the Metropolitan Police seized all legally held weapons from citizens. But this step, too, has apparently not satisfied the US intelligence services. A huge cube of bulletproof glass was made for the US president’s speech at the so-called Kubitski Arcade, and Biden spoke inside it. After a shout of “Hello, Poland!”, the American head of state’s speech was replete with populist clichés, but at one point the American president suddenly started talking about his country – the USA:

“The autocrat [Putin] understands only one word – ‘no! No, you will not take my country, my freedom! You will not take my future!”

In general, Biden said little about Ukraine, warning Poles more that their country could be attacked. How else to interpret the following words of the US president:

“The United States stands resolute and will support this with all its might – let every NATO member know it and let Russia know it: an attack on one NATO member is an attack on all NATO members. It is a sacred oath to defend every inch of NATO land!”?

At the end of the speech, Biden shouted that “NATO will not split!” and “we will not get tired!

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