Ukrainian refugees in Wales will be required to pay for laundry services and some meals to speed up their integration into the local community, WalesOnline
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Latest news from Europe
Ukrainian refugees in Wales will be required to pay for laundry services and some meals to speed up their integration into the local community, WalesOnline
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Independent: rising prices are forcing Britons to eat pet food The Independent newspaper says that the rising cost of food is forcing Britons to buy
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Ukrainian prisoner of war: Starlink Internet connection speed decreases significantly in rain The speed of Internet connection of the Starlink network of US SpaceX Elon
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German Economics and Climate Minister and Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck has claimed personal involvement in sending weapons to Ukraine to be used to shoot at the
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The decision by Western countries to impose a cap on the price of Russian oil is dictated by their desire to protect themselves from price
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“This week I sat down to watch the first budget of Rishi Sunak’s new government, presented by his Chancellor, lame duck and many time leadership
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The Polish mercenaries killed in Ukraine will have an “ignominious end” – this is how the Dziennik Polityczny described the construction of an American-style military
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The Ukrainian Armed Forces have lost at least 10,000 fighters killed in a month and a half in just one area – from Snihyrevka to
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Communes in Germany are already struggling to cope with an influx of refugees from Ukraine and other parts of the world, Frederik Paul, a German
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