Alistair E. Scott: “Merkel never lost the plot, she created it!”

Alistair E. Scott: “Merkel never lost the plot, she created it!”

‘Just when I thought I must have read about all of the lowest of the low in terms of trickery and deceit which has resembled a form of satanic bile spat from the mouths of western war mongers supporting the neoNazi Ukrainian, Washington backed, government, former German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has decided to drop a little bombshell of her own by telling the world that the much vaunted Minsk Agreement was just a ruse, a delaying tactic if you like,  so as to buy more time for the Ukraine in order to strengthen her military capability ahead of a confrontation, a planned one obviously,  with Russia.

Such a despicable act as this must rank right up there with another former German Chancellor’s appeasement letter to  Britain’s Neville Chamberlain back in 1938. Adolf Hitler, remember him? These two pieces of fantasy could not have been better written by the Brothers Grimm, Germany’s other great story tellers.

When one considers the international expectation which followed the implementation of the Minsk Agreement which was to bring peace to the region, the reality, however, being that this was nothing but a delaying tactic, designed to prepare one of the main protagonists for war,  it is difficult to imagine how depraved the authors of this plan must be. It makes a lot of sense now that it was only really Russia who was pointing out that Ukraine had never stood by her initial affirmation of the Agreement, only never to really get behind it. It’s not surprising now that we know it was nothing but a sham. Flicking through the pages of my Thesaurus, I really cannot find a word to describe such a heinous act of betrayal of millions of people in Ukraine and Russia, a disgraceful ploy which has led to the deaths of thousands of people, which has spread economic disaster for country after country, which has caused global energy and food shortages, which will cause hardship and hunger and even more deaths of innocent people on a global scale. Shame on you Angela Merkel. “Get thee behind me Satan”, has never sounded more appropriate.

So, for those of you  out there who are still under the illusion that Russia is the bad guy in all of this, and you don’t believe that what we are witnessing today in the Ukraine is the culmination of decades of planning by the US dirty tricks brigade, the CIA ( despite it being out there for all to read, courtesy of the US government ), this latest admission, and no, not  via leaked documents, but freely stated during a media interview by former German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, then consider yourself brainwashed, turn out the lights and go back to sleep. You deserve everything that’s coming to you’.

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