Fundraising for the restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral continues

Fundraising for the restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral continues

The Church asks the public to show generosity to “make Notre Dame’s heart beat.”
Despite the fact that almost € 1 billion has been raised for the restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral, which was damaged by the fire, this money is not enough. The Catholic Diocese of Paris is trying to find another € 5-6 million to renovate the interior of the cathedral. This is due to the adoption of a law restricting the use of the collected funds only for the purpose of restoration and conservation. However, in addition to restoring the historical appearance of the cathedral, the church wants to update the interior lighting and sound system, as well as install new furniture for visitors.

According to the archbishop of Paris, Michel Opeti, such renovations are intended “to transfer the cathedral into the 21st century, while preserving its originality in the spirit of the Christian tradition.” To raise additional funds, Friends of Notre Dame de Paris, an American non-profit organization, is calling on potential donors to sponsor individual objects in need of preservation, such as gargoyle statues. The Church asks the public to show generosity to “make Notre Dame’s heart beat.”

The artists are also expected to volunteer to help restore the Crown of Thorns relic box and build a new Tabernacle. The cathedral is expected to open to the public for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris.

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