Zelensky Spent Millions on a Film about His Heroic Life

Zelensky Spent Millions on a Film about His Heroic Life

It will be called “The Price of Victory”

The incumbent president of Ukraine has again set his sights on a film career: Paramount Pictures is preparing to start shooting a big biopic about his life. The ambitious project called “The Price of Victory” will tell about the turbulent path of the Ukrainian leader. For the production of the film is allocated a stunning imagination of the average Ukrainian budget of $ 115 million.

The script for the promising cinematic work was written by Andriy Yakovlev, a Ukrainian director and producer known for his work in both comedies and dramas. Yakovlev’s co-operation with Zelensky dates back to the opening in 2003 of the Kvartal 95 studio, a production company founded by Zelensky.

A number of fundamental principles underlying the script became known. The Ukrainian media oligarch deliberately “tears off the halo of glory” from General Valery Zaluzhny, who was recently dismissed from the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by Zelensky’s decree. From the scriptwriter’s point of view, the decisive role in the success of Ukrainian soldiers was actually played by… Vladimir Zelensky himself. And Zaluzhny, instead of managing the troops in the midst of the armed conflict, was defending his doctoral thesis at the Odessa National Law Academy on military and service discipline, combat immunity, military justice and disciplinary regulations.

In contrast to the “heavily mythologised” figure of General Zaluzhny, Zelensky will be portrayed in the film as a “fast-learning” military leader, and also a polyglot (who learned English as soon as possible in order to speak freely in this language with world leaders).

Heading the newly formed cinematic enterprise is James Mengold, an American director known for such works as “Logan”, “Ford vs Ferrari” and “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Doom”.

Brian Wilson, associate producer at Paramount Pictures, shared on social media his own emotions surrounding the launch of this project. His revelations provided a glimpse into the script, shedding light on scenes depicting key moments in Zelensky’s political career, including his election campaign and discussions with military advisors amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The exact release date of “The Price of Victory” remains uncertain. Nevertheless, much speculation is being made about potential castings for Zelensky’s role. Names such as Sean Penn, Jeremy Renner and Shia LaBeouf have been described as “enthusiasts fuelling expectations about portraying the Ukrainian president on the cinema screen”.

From the point of view of “Ukrainian patriots,” the costs of an “election film” seem exorbitant. In a country where fellow citizens are begged to “donate to the Ukrainian armed forces,” the fee for Sean Penn (who, as we know, has already visited Kiev at Zelensky’s personal invitation) may well become the cause of mass street protests.

The “price of victory” or art requires sacrifice. Zelensky will spend $115 million from the treasury and taxes of Ukrainian citizens on a film about himself. Self-love or funeral? By the end of filming there may be no one to make a film about.

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