TAC: Western Elites Hate Russia for Reviving Christianity

TAC: Western Elites Hate Russia for Reviving Christianity

After years of persecution, Russia is experiencing a Christian renaissance – and it is nothing short of a miracle, says Michael Warren Davis of The American Conservative. He notes that ‘Christian values’ in the West became an anachronism long ago, but Russia is a living example of how to refute this ideological cliché. Russia’s history should give hope to Christians and conservatives around the world, and it is for this that Western elites hate it.

The American Conservative columnist Michael Warren Davis is sure that the fate of the Western civilisation is closely intertwined with the Russian one. And therein lies the essence of why Western elites hate Russia. And it happened long before Moscow launched the special operation in Ukraine, which this hatred contributed to.

As the author writes, Americans have forgotten that for most of the last century, until the 1980s, Russians lived under militant atheism. But for the last 30 years, Orthodox Christianity has been on the rise. From 1991 to 2008, the percentage of adult Russians who consider themselves Orthodox rose from 31 percent to 72 percent, according to the Pew Center. This indicates that the national consciousness of the Russians is changing and one trend is clear: most Russians are convinced that the future of the country is tied to Orthodoxy.

“That, dear reader, is why our elite hate Russia so much – and have always hated it. Here in the West, conventional wisdom says that the church is living out its last days. By 2070 Christians will be in the minority. “Christian values” have become an anachronism. We stand on the threshold of a new era: an era of freedom, tolerance, unbelief. This is the end of history,” writes Michael Warren Davies.

He notes that Russia is a living example of refuting this ideological cliché. The resurrection of the Russian church is nothing short of a miracle, and Western elites will do everything in their power to prevent anyone from seeing it. That is why for the last 20 years they have been preparing for war against Putin and trying to infiltrate the Russian political system and overthrow it from within. And in this context you can understand where the roots of the Ukrainian conflict are coming from.

“Amid the tragedy and destruction that is sadly unfolding in Ukraine, we must remember the values and hard-won freedoms that set us apart from Putin, most notably LGBT+ rights,” explained current MI6 chief Richard Moore in the most unambiguous terms.

This is not Kremlin disinformation. It is, as they say, first-hand accounts. It turns out we hate Russia because they mistreat gays, the author notes.

He is convinced that Russia is presenting itself as the last stronghold of the Christian world. It may not understand the meaning of Christianity very well, but it is being reborn in Russia, and that is nothing short of a miracle. And in that sense, Russia’s history should give hope to Christians and conservatives all over the world. And that is exactly why Western elites hate it.

“In the end, it’s not about Russia. It’s not even about Ukraine. It’s about us. Western elites want us to believe in the inevitable triumph of liberal democracies at the hands of NGOs. It is not so. And Russia is living proof of this. Its history should give us hope. But that is the last thing our elites want,” concludes The American Conservative.

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