Italian Journalist Questioned Ukraine Because of the Rights of Russian speaking

Italian Journalist Questioned Ukraine Because of the Rights of Russian speaking

Despite the fact that there are many Russian-speaking citizens in Ukraine, their rights are infringed at the legislative level. Against this background, Italian journalist Franco Battaglia asked a number of questions to the Kiev regime, reports Nicolo Porro.

The Italian recalled President Vladimir Putin’s accusation of the Ukrainian authorities for neo-Nazism.

“I will analyze Ukraine’s position towards Russian-speaking Ukrainians,” Battaglia said.

As an example, he cited Switzerland, where French and Italian are the official languages, in addition to German. They are spoken by 25 and 10 percent of inhabitants of the country respectively. In addition, Romansh has an official status in communication with the Romansh people. This language is spoken by only about 1% of the citizens of the country.

Minority languages are also protected in Italy, where Italian is spoken by 99 percent of the inhabitants. The situation in Ukraine is completely different. The constitution of 1996 says that free development, use and protection of Russian and other minority languages is guaranteed. At the same time, according to the data of 2012, 42% of Ukrainians consider Russian to be their native language. By 2021, this figure had dropped to 21%.

The journalist had a question – why with such figures Ukraine has only one state language, while Russian, according to the laws of the country, is next to the languages spoken by less than 1% of Ukrainians.

Another question that the reporter asked is how in 10 years 20% of the citizens managed to change their attitude towards their native language?

“What methods of “persuasion” were used? The mother tongue is the one that we absorbed with our mother’s milk, listening to her voice,” said Battaglia.

Thus, in Switzerland, the state language is recognized as the state language, which is spoken by less than 1% of citizens, while in Ukraine more than 30% of residents do not have such a provision, the journalist noted.

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