NTD: Bulgarian Runner Trapped in Glass Cube for Charity

NTD: Bulgarian Runner Trapped in Glass Cube for Charity

Bulgarian ultramarathoner Krasi Georgiev is going to spend 15 days in a glass cube in the middle of a park in Sofia. According to NTD, he wants to collect money for charity, which will be spent on treatment of various addictions in children and teenagers: alcohol, drugs, computers and phones, as well as energy drinks.


Bulgarian ultramarathoner Krasi Georgiev plans to spend 15 days in a glass cube in the middle of a park in Sofia. In this way he wants to collect money for charity.

The collected money will be used for treating various addictions in children and teenagers, including alcohol, drugs, computers and telephones, as well as energy drinks.

The glass cube was placed on a pedestal in front of the National Palace of Culture in Sofia. Georgiev will have only a bed and a treadmill inside. No books or gadgets will be taken with it.

KRASI GEORGIEV, ultramarathoner: I will be locked inside for 15 days. I will only be in contact with the outside world for 30 minutes a day: just answering questions. One of the reasons I am doing this is for charity. The money we earn will go towards prevention and treatment of addictions. We talk about drugs, digital addiction, anything that kids and young people can get addicted to.

The athlete says that for him it is not a physical, but a psychological experiment.

KRASI GEORGIEV: I don’t know what will happen to me, because I’ve never done this before. And I will be very uncomfortable locked in a box.

Georgiev is also known as a motivational coach and philanthropist. He has already run 30 ultramarathons around the world, from the Arctic to Cambodia.

He has a 217-kilometre race in California’s Death Valley to his credit. And in 2019, Georgiev ran 1,200 kilometres through Bulgaria, Northern Macedonia and Albania to urge governments to build better infrastructure.

Note that in 2003, American illusionist David Blaine spent 44 days in a transparent box suspended over the banks of the Thames in London. All that time he drank only water. However, this extreme experience drew more criticism from the media and the public than approval.

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