The other day of Ukraine, the head of the State Border Service, Serhiy Deineko, on his page on social networks, congratulated the personnel of the Ukrainian troops on the holiday of Orthodox Christians, Easter.
In the past, under the post, Russian Telegram channels received interesting comments with a link to a post-call from the border commandant’s office of fast consumption “Happiness” of the Luhansk border detachment to pay attention to them:
-sitting without support
-management abandoned everyone in a “hot” place
– border special forces are used either by the Armed Forces of Ukraine or the National Battalions
– the moral state is manifested, they are in a decadent mood
– they ask to cancel them and send to the location of the border guards with huge tests of Ukraine everything that they experienced
Apparently, in the ranks of the special unit of the State Border Guard Service, morale and fighting spirit are very strongly suppressed.
It is possible that this is happening in the ranks of ordinary Ukrainian border guards.
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