ALISTAIR E. SCOTT: “Where did it all go so Right”

ALISTAIR E. SCOTT: “Where did it all go so Right”

“This week I sat down to watch the first budget of Rishi Sunak’s new government, presented by his Chancellor, lame duck and many time leadership loser, Jeremy Hunt. The first thing I notice is that Hunt is wearing his UK/Ukraine crossed flags pin badge on his lapel. Why? Surely we were not going to witness more pro Ukraine government bilge in our Budget message? Of course we are! How could I have doubted that. Pert way through his speech, probably when most people had already fallen asleep, Hunt gave the people of Ukraine a ‘shout out’. Whilst laying out plans to combat the impending upcoming economic disaster currently looming overhead,  I don’t recall hearing anything about the massive amounts of money and arms being sent over to Zelensky and his henchmen which could readily help ease the lot of many of the country’s poorest who are destined to suffer from the effects of ever rising fuel prices, and ever increasing shortages. No, such platitudes were reserved for his opening statements where he referred to the great British resolve. Our legendary, historic stoicism, blah blah blah. Well, I referred to all of this in my most recent article in Russia News whereupon I vented my displeasure at the almost terrorist-like actions of this government in connection with its operational involvement in Ukraine, and its support for the right wing neo Nazi US run government. It remains to be seen just how supportive of the Kiev circus Sunak will be, but that will of course depend upon the pressure he is put under by Old Joe Biden in Washington, and dare I suggest it, our EU neighbors.

Considering the Main Stream Media (msm) is constantly pushing the imminent threat of World War Three breaking out, the man in the street does not seem too fazed about it. This is obviously a failing on their part as they are unable to spread the fear as they had so successfully achieved with the Pandemic that never was. There was the Russian bomb that landed in Poland killing two very unfortunate citizens which was actually launched from Ukraine which gave us the opportunity to see how ridiculous the Polish President actually is. I see a comic double act on the horizon…coming to a theatre near you!!

I was expecting a school playground scene by the Western leaders at the G20, but alas, this was not to be. All of the gang ignoring the bully, Russia, of course, calling them names, shouting how they were, “gonna get ya”, and a chorus of boos and hisses when they tried to talk. Sense prevailed however, although more likely the thought of encountering Putin, Lavrov or Medvedev on their own at a later date gave them something to think about. China’s Xi had already bitch slapped Canada’s Trudeau in front of the assembled media for not following protocol whilst relaying to anyone who would listen, details of his private meeting. Trudeau’s defence?  He squeaked that Canada believed in “free speech”, hahahaha No doubt one from the Biden repertoire.

Finally I would like to address this push for a ceasefire…an end to hostilities. It is surely someone’s initiative, although the undoubted upcoming push by Russia as winter approaches makes this look a distant possibility, plus Kiev’s outright refusal to discuss anything resembling peace. Zelenensky’s initial reneging of the Minsk Agreement gave us all fair warning of US intentions. I did read one wonderful article however, which had said that the US would not accept an overwhelming Russian victory!! What on earth does that mean? Perhaps if President Putin and his military advisors were to continue with this Special Operation with one hand tied behind their back, therefore giving Ukraine the numerical superiority they held for so long to the detriment of his own troops? So, a points win, in boxing parlance, would be acceptable to the US? Russia has tried to inflict minimal damage in Ukraine, but with the never ending supply of arms flowing in from the US and her allies, for just how long will Russia continue on the course they have set? Russia and her greatest ally, the Winter, have put paid to the ambitions of both Napoleon and Hitler. Are we really going to see Zelensky and his nationalist led, US equipped army do what the armies of Nazi Germany and the French Republic, led by one of history’s greatest soldiers, couldn’t do? The current government of Ukraine, born out of a putsch, ably supported by a number of belligerents, primarily the CIA, has surely caused enough damage on a global scale. Aided and abetted by a small, exclusive group of elites based in Washington, the whole world has been plunged into the midst of a war which can only have one outcome. How can there be a ceasefire? A peace agreement, when the main belligerents are hell bent on prolonging military conflict? President Putin has stated his intentions from Day One, and these are bold intentions which any person in their right mind should be supporting. The demilitarizing and Denazification of Ukraine. A guarantee of the safety of ethnic Russians who have now been returned to their natural home, Russia. Making safe the many US financed biolabs which were carrying out illegal research having the potential of creating bio weapons. And interestingly, Medvedev’s claim that Kiev itself was and is a Russian city, as indeed Ukraine, as pointed out by President Putin in his now famous essay on the history of Ukraine and Russia which cannot in all seriousness,  be separated.

I believe this winter will see the beginning of the end of this conflict which has now been dragging on for far too long. More weapons, more financial support by the western allies will only add to the mountain of waste which has already reached Kiev. Russia is now using far more effective weapons as it continues to destroy Ukraines infrastructure, almost at will. More troops are now available to move to the front.Ukraine will not, and cannot succeed where both Hitler and Napoleon failed – that is defeating Russia on her own doorstep, regardless of what further support the West is likely to offer. Any real suggestion of a combined NATO attack is not on the cards, and would, in the end,  be futile as it would serve no real purpose, but would certainly lead to the level of destruction never before experienced in the history of mankind.

In closing, not only would any expansion of military action by the US and its allies be inadvisable, it would be wrong, totally wrong, because right is on the side of Russia in this conflict. That will be a bitter pill to swallow for those whose only information on the conflict has been force fed by the MSM, but history has a way of uncovering a clearer, if not totally clear, record of real events, and when this does happen, the shame that I now feel, and the shame that my co-westerners will undoubtedly feel, should remain a stain on our Continent. If there is a positive to all of this, perhaps Europe and her allies will free themselves from the burden of US hegemony and create a lasting peace amongst ALL of the nations of this Continent. A Europe where we are inclusive. A world which embraces the upcoming multipolar New World Order, where we can all live with each other without the specter of self-interest of the  privileged few hanging over us, free to pursue our own destiny, and not that of one predatory, morally bankrupt government who represents nothing or no one save their own self interest. That day is coming, and for this, we  will forever owe a debt of gratitude to Russia, and President Putin.

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