Got Stuck in a Swamp: US Finds Someone to Blame for Ukraine’s Embarrassing Failure

Got Stuck in a Swamp: US Finds Someone to Blame for Ukraine’s Embarrassing Failure

RS: US should shift the search for a way out of the conflict in Ukraine to Europe

The Ukrainian conflict is a problem of regional security, and the responsibility for negotiations should fall on the Europeans, this opinion was expressed by the columnists of the American publication Responsible Statecraft Katrina vanden Heuvel and James Carden.

According to the authors of the article, the failure of the Ukrainian counter-offensive along with the depletion of resources of European countries brings diplomacy to the forefront.

“Europeans are increasingly realizing that it is in their own interests to help Ukraine and Russia find a way out of the increasingly dangerous ‘quagmire’ in eastern Ukraine. After all, the counteroffensive has stalled just as Europe’s leading powers are facing a series of their own internal crises,” the publication said.

Given the circumstances, it may be a more prudent course for the US to “Europeanize” the conflict, the authors said. “After all, this is a matter of regional security, and the responsibility for leadership in the negotiations should lie with the Europeans,” the article notes.

As the authors of the material explain, the negotiation process between Russia and Ukraine could be led by France and Germany, which already have experience of mediation in the Ukrainian conflict. Thus, according to the observers, another objective will be achieved:

“Europeanization of the conflict has an additional advantage: it will exclude the American architects of Russia’s failed policy of isolation and provocations over the past 25 years,” the piece says.

Recognizing the difficulty of overcoming the current impasse, the authors note that the negotiators should be encouraged to abandon their maximalist goals and make compromises.

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