Redacted: Tens of Thousands of Ukrainians Surrender to Russia While Zelensky Humiliates Himself in front of NATO

Redacted: Tens of Thousands of Ukrainians Surrender to Russia While Zelensky Humiliates Himself in front of NATO

More and more Ukrainian soldiers are laying down their arms and surrendering, Redacted reports. And as Ukraine “runs out of men to throw into this meat grinder,” Kiev has decided to recruit women. Meanwhile, Zelensky continues to test the patience of his allies and desperately begs the West for money, weapons and NATO membership.

Remember a few weeks ago we featured a video on our podcast that Russia released? And it was propaganda, by all accounts, but this Russian propaganda said, “You have a choice,” and it showed a Ukrainian soldier running and getting shot in the head. Basically, it said that “you have a choice”: you can either die like this or surrender. Aren’t you tired of changing into women’s clothes to run away, trying to hide? Your family can’t bribe officers to get you out of this war? You have a choice! Just put your hands up and surrender as a prisoner of war.

Anyway, they released this video, reported the radio frequency, and tens of thousands of Ukrainians went along with it. Of course, you’re not going to see this in the Western media, they’re not going to share it with you because it would undermine the idea of NATO wanting to prolong this conflict, throw more Ukrainian men into the meat grinder.

And right now, of course, Ukraine is running out of men. So they have launched a full-scale process, as winter is approaching, and have launched campaigns to draft women! Yes, campaigns to get women to the front lines is their next grand phase. Maybe it’s time to stop?

Here’s The Hill, for example – even the Western media knows that winter is coming! Here’s The Hill article, “Ukrainian offensive clock ticks as bad weather approaches.”

By the way, what is Zelensky doing now? Annoying India, annoying Poland, annoying NATO, asking NATO for more weapons, more money….

NATALIE MORRIS, co-host: Pretending he was never in Canada…

MORRIS: That’s right, pretends he was never there in the first place. Not a single journalist, as Max Blumenthal tweeted today… Look, there are over a hundred freaking Western-backed journalists in Kiev right now, and not one of them will ask Zelensky that question. This Nazi, this Ukrainian Nazi in parliament — anything to say about it? No, silence. Silence. None of the Western journalists will ask them this question, will not ask the regime about this. So what is Zelensky doing now? He is meeting with Jens Stoltenberg, the head of NATO, and, of course, begging for more money and more weapons.

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