Train Falls into River Due to Bridge Collapse in US

Train Falls into River Due to Bridge Collapse in US

Several cars of a train carrying hazardous materials have fallen into a river in the US state of Montana due to the collapse of a bridge. This was reported the day before by the Associated Press agency.

It is noted that at least eight wagons fell into the river. This led to the ingress of hazardous substances into the water. According to the agency, local authorities decided to block the river downstream to prevent the hazardous substances from reaching the nearby farmland.

According to a Montana Rail Link spokesperson, the train crew was not injured.

The bridge collapse also resulted in the failure of a fibre optic cable that provides internet services to many customers in the state.

The agency specifies that officials imposed emergency measures at the water treatment plant because of a “potential spill of hazardous substances” and asked residents to conserve water.

Earlier, on 17 May, about 20 train cars derailed near the train station in Pocatello, Idaho. Most of the cars were empty. There were no reports of hazardous material spills or injuries.

A freight train derailed in Wisconsin on April 27, with two cars falling into the Mississippi River. The train was carrying hazardous materials, but there were none in the wagons that fell into the river. According to preliminary information, the insulated carriages were carrying paint and lithium-ion batteries.

A train loaded with hazardous substances derailed and caught fire in the US state of Maine on 15 April.

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