Let’s get one thing straight, I’m not unpatriotic, but more importantly, I’m not stupid!! Everyday, I read in the Main Stream Media (MSM) some absolutely ludicrous quote from some leader or another from the US poodle-pack, and I think to myself, how can anyone with a modicum of intelligence think that can be possibly credible? But for some reason, the vast majority of people in the West seem to believe anything put in front of them by the MSM, courtesy of the US elite.

Case in point. Our great new Leader, Liz Truss, who looks and sounds more like the teacher we, as kids, used to play up during lessons, has blamed our energy woes on President Putin’s ‘ invasion of Ukraine ‘. Really? As winter slowly approaches and we are being warned to expect all manner of hardships from power cuts to massive price rises in our energy bills, does anyone stop for a moment to look further into this?

Gas imports from Russia to the UK are on average 4% of total requirement. No, that’s not a misprint, four percent! So, although we are no longer a member of the EC as voted by the people of this island, the government made a conscious decision to stand full square with the leadership of the EC, who hate us by the way, in sanctioning Russia (an illegal act in terms of international law) because of a military action in Ukraine which in no way threatens the security of the UK, yet, we are expected to suffer depravity, economic decline, rampant inflation, the list goes on, so for what and for who?

We are informed by the MSM that Russia invaded Ukraine. This is a total lie and in no way consistent with the definition of what an invasion is. Russia has not ‘invaded’ Ukraine with the intention of conquering the country. President Putin has made clear the objectives of his Special Operation (SO), and as in the case of Crimea, was invited in to defend ethnic Russians who feared persecution by the new ‘illegal’ government that was installed in Kiev by the US following their  $5bn ‘investment’ that resulted in the ‘Maidan’ revolution.

When President Putin launched the SO, there was indisputable evidence that supported the fact that Ukraine were preparing a military operation against the people of the Donbass who had already suffered Indiscriminate shelling of the civilian population for eight years from their ‘fellow’ Ukrainians. Once again, Russia heard the appeals of the mainly ethnic Russian peoples and went to their defence, which was totally in keeping with international law.  There had never been any talk of ‘conquering’ Ukraine, this was a lie sold by the Western MSM in order to further the agenda of US hegemony, leading to the destruction of the Russian Federation, economically, socially, politically and geographically, at great cost to everyone else. It would be bad enough if this absurdly outdated global view was harmful only  to their own people, but their actions are proving harmful to everyone else in their circle who have no stake in the enterprise whatsoever. This is shameful, all the more so when the fact of the matter is that this is all about one country’s political agenda. Like lemmings, the rest of us dive headlong over the cliff edge led by a group of weak leaders who seem totally incapable of making decisions which benefit their own people, but  instead tug  their forelock and stand in line taking orders at the behest of Grandpa Joe Biden.

Ok, maybe you still don’t get it, so let’s talk about poor old Ukraine. NATO, the US stalking horse,  and the rest of the western allies were quick to jump to the aid of Ukraine, whose democracy was under threat from the big bad Russian bear. Really? Democracy? Is that the same Ukraine who has banned opposition parties and arrested, even murdered journalists and dissenters? The same Ukraine who, financed by the US, overthrew a legitimate government?  Wow, the American definition of democracy always has been somewhat difficult to understand, a bit more like, “…it is what we say it is”.

Only this week, poor Italy, their election results are not going the way the US wants, and they are being told that they may be ‘penalised’ for not being democratic enough. But that was the will of the people of Italy. Is that not democracy? Not in the eyes of the US. It’s only democratic if you return the result that suits their agenda. Have you got it yet, stupid?

So, why doesn’t this war in Ukraine end? Well, maybe it would if the US and its poodle club stopped pumping billions of dollars worth of arms and financial aid into the country whose bill is running at $5bn per month, yet the MSM and every leader in the west tells us we are not at war with Russia. Really? President Putin has shown incredible restraint given the degree of support being given to Ukraine, but the west somehow does not correlate the supply of weapons,  financial aid, intelligence, troop training etc. with waging a war. Really?

Have you got it yet, stupid?

Whilst all this nonsense is being promoted by the west and their bought and paid for media, Russia, and namely President Putin has been busying himself by looking forward with a view to strengthening Russia’s place in the new world order, a new world order based upon a global multipolar system, as opposed to a continuance of US hegemony, where you were only ‘in’ if the US said so, and your future was not in your own hands, but at the whim of those faceless American elite.

The spectre of this American version of the New World Order was frightening. Is frightening. We were almost all crippled with the pandemic which was not a pandemic, and now, we are being crippled by an invasion which was not an invasion. America’s unipolar world was a case of ‘Do as I say, not do as I do’. That is a world we in Britain should not want, yet this is being sold to us by the MSM, and we are swallowing it hook, line and sinker.

The recent SCO was expectedly dominated by Russia and China who are at the forefront of this new multipolar world that is shaping in the East. We in the west see it developing but what do we do? Nothing but continue supporting a dead duck that is Ukraine, in the hope that Russia will collapse economically, but that looks very unlikely, and we know it, so why on earth do we continue when the consequences for the actions of our inept leaders are going to bring Europe to its knees, and hardship to its inhabitants. Do we deserve this? Well maybe we do because the MSM have done such a good job spinning their lies and bile about Russia, that many people just accept what they are told without bothering to learn the facts, but is this not usually the case, and isn’t this something all governments are acutely aware of? I mean, as more and more facts leak out about the reality of Ukraine and US direct involvement in its affairs, and NATO’s blatant expansionism which you can see for yourself by looking at a map, you have to be fairly stupid to believe the rubbish we are being sold in the media. Russia has never suggested for one moment that it had or has any intention of rampaging through Europe, yet we still have NATO, why? NATO is doing more than defending against an unknown ‘enemy’,which is presumably Russia, but with no evidence to support this, NATO is protecting US interests, providing them with the opportunity to enter more or less any country at will, under the pretext of defending democracy. Really? You got it yet, stupid?

In closing, I just want to shine a light on the UN (remember them?). There is a move to get Russia out of the UN Security Council, snd take away her veto. Really? Who on earth would want to sideline one of the world’s great powers from the Security Council of the ‘United Nations’ (remember them?) and relieve them of their power to abstain given this country is the largest in the world and has a major stake in global politics, future development and security,  this being the reason it has this power in the first place? Not forgetting that the United Nations (remember them?) is also a democratic platform. Sorry, but no prizes for guessing that one, but I will give you a hint or two ……this country was one of only three who voted against the anti-Nazi resolution at the UN. The others being Ukraine (hahahaha) and Palau (who?).  A representative of this country said afterwards that they could not support this as their constitution guaranteed free speech. Ah, so it can’t be the US (yes it was actually).

I could go on and on reciting example after example of US sponsored lies and duplicity in the main stream media, their sole aim to ensure the continuance of US hegemony which is the reality behind the situation we have in Ukraine today, and how Russia is far from being the villain of the peace following the dissolution of the Soviet Union all those years ago, despite the guff being turned out by Hollywood would have us believe otherwise.

So, how do I see this going? Let me see…….Biden, Truss, Macron, Trudeau, Scholz, von der Leyen And Stoltenberg, hm? Putin, Lavrov and yes, Medvedev (he’s made some caustic comments worthy of note). No contest Vladimir Vladimirovich. The sun is rising in the East.

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