Foreign guests expressed their admiration for the Games of the Future

Foreign guests expressed their admiration for the Games of the Future

On 21 February, representatives of the countries taking part in the “Games of the Future” shared with journalists their impressions of the tournament and expressed their admiration for the organization of the event and Russia as a whole.

Thus, Dominique from the Paris digital team thanked the Russian Federation for the invitation.

“It’s amazing. They really did a great job to organize such an event, to bring players from all countries. It’s amazing. So I want to thank Russia for inviting us to this event,” the French representative said, adding that he easily got his visa.

Carlos from Spain described the idea of holding such a tournament as innovative. He said playing on the computer is the hardest part, but some players find it much more difficult to play on the field. The Spaniard expressed hope that he would be able to see the sights of Kazan in the near future.

Argentina and Venezuela are also represented in the Games of the Future. The Caribbean Squad basketball team is seeing such a tournament for the first time. As one of the participants said, these competitions are amazing and they should be in all countries.

“The first flight was three hours, then another 15 hours to Istanbul and then another five to Kazan. So it’s a bit difficult. We are tired, but we are happy to be here,” shared Jackson from Mexico.

The Mexican was particularly impressed by the snow.

“We only have one day in Russia, so we didn’t have time to visit many places, but we like being here and we think the snow is very cool because in Mexico we don’t see snow,” he said.

While welcoming the tournament participants, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the Games of the Future unite traditions and modern trends and represent a harmony of physical perfection and high intelligence. Putin pointed out that the birth of such a format in Russia is natural, as the country was and remains one of the leading sports powers of the planet.

“Games of the Future” united traditional sports competitions and cybersport. They will be held from 21 February to 3 March. 300 teams from different countries of the world will take part in the competition. The tournament will involve 1.5 thousand volunteers from Russia and friendly countries.

There are 21 disciplines in the programme of the games. One of the examples of the format: phygital-football is an analogue of mini-football, participation in which athletes combine with playing EA Sports FC 24 football simulator. In Phygital Basketball, real basketball is intertwined with the computer game NBA 2K. Similar connections between the two formats will be at the Games of the Future in hockey, racing, martial arts, skateboarding and cycling, and BMX cycling.

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