Well the fact of the matter is that it is for some, if you happen to be a stockholder in the likes of American defence contractors Raytheon or Lockheed Martin for example, you will be rubbing your hands in delight. British defence contractors BAE Systems profits have soared by some 26%.  As long as the US lapdog, Zelensky, maintains his ‘fight to the last Ukrainian’, mantra, it’s drinks all round in Washington and London’s sleazy corridors of power, infested by those little known elitist poodles, doing the bidding of their masters.


Don’t for one moment think that in the US or in Europe, your government is working for you, the people. I do believe that by now,  given the rising energy prices, rising food prices, rising inflation, ongoing shortages etc. etc. and the continuing efforts by our Leaders to shovel more and more money into Ukraine’s money pit under the guise of ‘aid’, even the most sceptical of the population must be starting to question the strategy being employed.

How can any civilised society continue to back such a morally bankrupt country as Ukraine whose actions both prior to, and throughout this current conflict are nothing short of barbaric, having no apparent regard for the sanctity of life, even of its own people?

The recent murder of 30 year old Darya Dugina, who was the victim of a car bomb, is a case in point.  CNN reported a few days ago, that her father, philosopher Alexander Dugin, has been credited as being the architect to Russia’s Special Operation in Ukraine, having significant influence over President Putin, and even as “Putin’s brain”, as stated by American publication, ‘Foreign Affairs’, a U.S. Foreign Policy mouthpiece. What a very poor attempt in extremely bad taste to try and give some sort of validation to such a heinous and cowardly act. Given the circumstances, whereby Darya and her father actually switched cars at the end of the event the two were attending, it is all to obvious that father Alexander had been the intended victim. Even worse than that, was the fact that the bomb was apparently exploded by remote control, the perpetrators were well aware that Darya was the driver and not her father. This was nothing else but cold blooded murder, and there is no excuse can be made for such acts of pure terrorism.

Such stories bring home the true realities of what is actually going on in Ukraine. These stories don’t just throw out numbers of people killed, but when a name is put to a death, it really hits home. It somehow becomes more of a reality. Another recent case which illustrates the raw depravity of Zelensky’s government, and their strategy for war, was the tragic death of former world class ballerina and teacher, Galina Vasilyevna Volodina,  and one of her protégés, 12 year old Katya Kutubeava, who we are told had a brilliant future ahead of her.

Only a few weeks ago, Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) rockets, launched indiscriminately one can only assume,  fell upon the drama theatre of Donetsk and the surrounding area, and tore to pieces the bodies of the two dancers, and young Katya’s grandmother. In the Donbas, such attacks have been a regular occurrence now for some eight years, killing and maiming the local residents, young and old alike. Totally indiscriminate attacks on civilian targets. Volodina had given great pleasure to Ukrainians and Russians alike during her distinguished career, and the 12 year old Katya no doubt dreamed of emulating her teacher, but Ukraine and her western masters consider everyone a target, as we have seen with the complete ostracising of anyone and everything Russian, from dogs and cats, to artists and writers, from music to films, from sportsmen to dancers. If this was not so absurd and real, it would be funny and unbelievable.  But it is very real, and very, very absurd.


Ukraine continues to rain down the so called ‘butterfly’ mines on the innocent public of the Donbass. These anti-personnel mines are fired in violation of international law and of the mine ban convention which Ukraine signed up to in 1999, and ratified in 2005. But then again, to Ukraine, signing up to any form of agreement means nothing.

These mines are very small, and designed not to kill but to tear off limbs, some 44 over the past three weeks have suffered life changing injuries with even two fatalities being recorded. Small and difficult to detect, even when marked by disposal experts, these mines are indiscriminate in their choice of victim. Young or old, even dogs, cats, birds and other animals,  it’s all the same to this vile instrument of fear.

When will the western world wake up to the realities of what is going on in Ukraine. The facts are there for all to see.  Maybe the answer to this question can be found in another question which was posed in an independent American publication recently. What do the New York Times, Kiev Independent, Euromaidan Press, Twitter, Facebook and Tik Tok all have in common? Well the answer is that they are all funded by or staffed by Western and US intelligence members pushing the narrative about the war in Ukraine. Add to this tidy little group that is the  Main Stream Media (MSM) which is bought and paid for by the elite who are pursuing that same objective, namely the continuance of US hegemony, and there you have it.

When ‘News’ is based on lies and fakery, when fictional stories distort reality, when these imposters play on your compassion rather than give you the facts, then journalism as we knew it is dead, just another casualty of war, and a fitting testament to man’s insatiable appetite for money and power”.


Alistair E Scott.    

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