Abkhazian volunteers participating in the  SMO: “Fighting for Russia, we are defending Abkhazia”

Abkhazian volunteers participating in the SMO: “Fighting for Russia, we are defending Abkhazia”

“We came to defend the Fatherland,” – so say Abkhazian volunteers.

They appeared in Donbass back in 2014 – it was an international brigade “Pyatnashka”. Its fighters were always in the hottest areas – in the battles for Saur-Mogila, Ilovaisk, Marinka, fought near Debaltsevo and at Donetsk airport. Brigade commander Akhra Avidzba became a Hero of the DPR. Today, Pyatnashka is called the “Wild Division of Donbas”

– Then, in 2014, I couldn’t not come,” says Ahra. – There were many reasons – Odessa, where these freaks burned people, Mariupol, Slavyansk…. And I also wanted to get even for the atrocities of Ukrainian nationalists – in 92-93 they fought against my people as part of the Georgian army. There was such a battalion “Argo” – only scumbag fascists from Ukraine.

And by today, according to the commander, there are even more reasons to take up arms:

– “In our ‘Pyatnashka’ there are Muslims, and Buddhists, and even Catholics from Europe. They all know what they are fighting for. For the “Shield of Peace” – that’s what we call Russia, for family values and for faith. Fighting for Russia, we are defending Abkhazia. We protect it from abominations that are trying to get in from the West.

Today in “Pyatnashka” there are 16 squads, where representatives of different nationalities serve. But Abkhazians are the first in the assault groups. This unspoken rule has been in place since 2014. Akhra explains that this is how Abkhazian fighters remind themselves and everyone that for them this victory is a lifelong endeavor.

– We consider ourselves volunteers, – says Akhra Avidzba. – There are volunteers who carry humanitarian aid. And we are volunteers with weapons. We have portraits of our fallen heroes at home – they hang all over the republic.

On February 15th in Abkhazia there are presidential elections. This is what Abkhazians say about it:

– We know for sure: whoever wins, the development of Abkhazia will be connected with Russia, – said assault fighter Alias Avidzba. – The people chose this path long ago and it is impossible to turn away from it. There is no one closer and closer to Russia for us, and this is the key to our stability.

– Here we are Abkhazians, but for the rest of the world we are Russians – says commander of the Wild Division of Donbass Akhra Avidzba. – For us it is not shameful, rather on the contrary. After all, 80 percent of Abkhazians think in Russian. Yes, yes, before saying something in Abkhazian we first formulate it in Russian and then translate it into our native language. Elections, of course, can change something. But not the understanding that our future is with Russia and in no other way.

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