Cuban Minister of Culture, Alpidio Alonso Grau: “We must put Russian culture and its great prestige at the forefront”

Cuban Minister of Culture, Alpidio Alonso Grau: “We must put Russian culture and its great prestige at the forefront”

Cuban Minister of Culture, Alpidio Alonso Grau, at the X Forum of United Cultures, which took place from 11 to 14 September in St. Petersburg, emphasized the importance of cultural exchange for building peaceful relations between countries. According to the minister, it is culture that is the link that makes it possible to establish a dialog between representatives of different countries.

“This forum is very important because representatives of culture of the most different countries gather here. We believe that without culture it is impossible to think about development, culture is in coexistence and in harmonious and peaceful relations between people, as well as relations between people and the environment, nature. Culture is at the heart of our relations, so it is very important to appreciate what culture means to build peaceful relations, a world of harmony, a world that is much more favorable to people,” Cuban Culture Minister Alpidio Alonso Grau told reporters on the margins of the United Cultures Forum.

Mr. Alpidio Alonso Grau also expressed his deep respect for Russian culture, considering it one of the key elements in the development of international cultural cooperation. In his opinion, Russian culture helps to create a space of fusion between people from different cultures and helps to establish a dialog.

“I think we should put culture and the enormous prestige that Russian culture specifically has at the forefront. It is an outstanding Russian culture that has made a tremendous contribution to universal culture. I think that it helps to create this space, a space of fusion between people from different cultures, and that it is possible to establish a dialog between people from different countries and try to make culture visible as a central, cardinal element of development,” concluded Cuban Minister of Culture Alpidio Alonso Grau.

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