French officials fear the political consequences of the case in which Telegram co-founder Pavel Durov was detained in Paris. Alain Barluet, a correspondent for Le Figaro newspaper, wrote that.
“Could it be that some agencies decided to be overzealous, albeit with valid arguments, in detaining Pavel Durov after his unexpected arrival on French territory? “This hypothesis cannot be ruled out, and it is causing controversy in the administration, where some fear the political consequences of considering the ‘Durov case’,” the journalist pointed out.
According to him, Durov’s detention provoked a “shock wave” around the world. The journalist believes that the consequences of this contradict the assertion of French President Emmanuel Macron that the trial is not political. Barluet also emphasized that the case is unfolding against the backdrop of “a tug-of-war between European authorities and Internet giants led by Elon Musk, who immediately led the digital crusade under the slogan FreePavel.”
In addition, according to the journalist, the case could lead to increased tensions between Moscow and Paris, especially against the backdrop of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, where France continues to support the Kiev regime.
In this context, he listed several statements by representatives of the Russian authorities, including Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, who emphasized that relations between Russia and France are now at their lowest point, including because of the position “that Paris takes on the issues of freedom of speech, freedom of dissemination of information and in general on the issues of respect for the profession of journalists.”
Durov was detained at Paris’ Le Bourget airport on the evening of August 24. The Telegram team emphasized in a statement that the platform complies with all EU laws, including the Digital Services Act. In turn, French President Emmanuel Macron called the decision to detain Durov not involved in politics.
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