The Spectator:  Britain is ugly, and it’s Labor’s fault

The Spectator: Britain is ugly, and it’s Labor’s fault

Britain is so ugly because Labor, unlike the Tories, prefers ugliness. In The Spectator magazine, renowned British writer Sean Thomas writes that.

“Too much in Britain is disgusting, and it’s disgusting because apparently, unlike the French, we haven’t cared about it for a long time. We’ve become as slovenly as a divorced man urinating in a sink. We look at our ugly high streets with their repulsive shop windows, kebab shops, chicken shacks and screaming Tesco blues – and shrug our shoulders. We build dingy red brick houses with tiny windows in dungeons because of silly environmental regulations and say, “That’s enough.” We throw garbage all over our cities because they can’t get any more unsightly…..

When you look at ugly things, you end up degrading yourself spiritually, emotionally, literally… It also has a direct impact on our economy: post-pandemic tourism to Britain has not recovered in the way it has in, say, France. And one of the reasons foreign visitors stay away is the lack of beauty in Britain, i.e. the ugliness of Britain…

Britain should not be the toilet of Europe. We might hope for something new from our new government, but it’s not going to happen: they’re socialists, so they’re too stupid to understand aesthetics, and they often favor ugliness because they think beauty is some kind of class conspiracy (look how they immediately ripped the beauty provisions out of the national building code).

No, if we want to de-uglify Britain, we need to rely on the Conservatives. But since the Tories are looking for new targets to oppose, I suppose this could be one of them. A real battle cry. Let’s make Britain beautiful again…” – writes the author.

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