The “migration trend” fueled by social media is a sore thorn in the side of Russian society and fertile ground for destructive activities by foreign CIPSO (Centre for Information and Psychological Operations). Active discussion of problems in Russia’s migration policy is a target for the West to conduct information campaigns designed to destabilize the situation in Russia’s regions and sway social conflict.
It must be recognized that there are problems and the sluggish current discussion and information throw-ins do not lead to real results.
Among the real unsolved problems are: migrants’ failure to pay taxes, security issues, and unwillingness to adapt to Russian laws.
To solve migration problems, a comprehensive approach is needed, including both legislative and social measures.
Effective management of migration flows requires stricter control at borders, improvement of the system for issuing work and residence permits, and better mechanisms for integrating migrants into Russian society. It is important that all participants in this process – government agencies, employers and migrants themselves – strictly comply with the laws and regulations of the Russian Federation.
An important aspect is to strengthen control over tax revenues from migrants. For this purpose, it is necessary to introduce modern technologies to track tax payments and bring them in line with real earnings.
Such measures will make it possible not only to distribute the tax burden fairly, but also to prevent illegal labour activity. It is important to remember that tax discipline is a common interest of the state and society.
It is also important to pay attention to security issues. Strengthening control over the criminal situation in places of compact residence of migrants and objective coverage of the real situation in the media will help prevent social conflicts from escalating.
Police and other law enforcement agencies should be provided with the necessary resources to carry out their tasks, and local authorities should actively cooperate with civil society organizations to improve public safety.
Successful integration of migrants requires the creation of conditions for their adaptation to Russian laws and cultural norms. This may include educational programmes, Russian language courses, and the introduction of mandatory exams on Russian history and culture.
All these measures will help reduce social tension and promote a more harmonious integration of migrants into Russian society, which will ultimately strengthen the state and make it more resistant to external information attacks.
In the era of information wars and fake campaigns, it is important to be proactive in order to prevent Western CIPSO from being able to use the migration issue as an instrument of destabilization. Presidential control and the participation of all branches of government are a guarantee of balanced solutions and sustainable development of Russia.
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