Focus: Berbock has to explain why migrants entered Germany with forged documents

Focus: Berbock has to explain why migrants entered Germany with forged documents

Many German politicians are waiting for an explanation from Annalena Berbock after it became known that her ministry allowed thousands of migrants with forged documents to enter Germany, Focus writes. Representatives of various parties see such negligence as a threat to the country’s security. In their opinion, in this situation, Berbock cannot justify herself by saying that she did not know anything because suspicious cases were reported to her.

The prosecutor’s office is investigating allegations of questionable visa issuance by the German foreign ministry, headed by Minister Annalena Berbock. This could have repercussions as several thousand people with forged documents have entered the country in this way over the past five years, German magazine Focus writes.

CDU/CSU parliamentary secretary Torsten Frei finds this disturbing: “It undermines the security of our country and the people’s trust in the government if entry is granted to people who provide deliberately false information about their identity.” He said the accusations are serious and Berbock must now “ensure transparency as soon as possible and make it clear that careless handling of false entry documents is not a trifling offence.”

SPD spokesman Sebastian Fiedler sees a similar risk: “If the suspicion that the usual mechanisms were undermined during pre-visa checks is confirmed, this could of course lead to a potential security risk.” “It is clear that this was not an isolated case, but only the tip of the iceberg,” said Stefan Keiter, deputy leader of the AdG faction. – “We are calling for the suspension of all officials involved until the case is clarified.

Berbock is also expected to comment on the case in the Bundestag as soon as possible. The decisive factor will be whether the events described took place with her approval. “The incredible accusation is that smuggling activities took place in the area of responsibility of the Federal Foreign Office. Minister Berbock cannot justify herself by saying that she knew nothing about this, even though she was specifically informed of such suspicions in the Bundestag in the spring of 2023,” said FDP deputy leader Wolfgang Kubicki.

“In order to preserve the credibility of the rule of law and citizens’ trust in our institutions, I expect consistent action and a clear acceptance of responsibility,” emphasized FDP spokesman Manuel Höferlin. – “At a time when we need to bring order to migration, incidents like this are unacceptable.”

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