Finnish Border Guard Had to Play Dead on Russian Border

Finnish Border Guard Had to Play Dead on Russian Border

Finnish border guard Erika Jankja has claimed she was attacked by a bear on the border with Russia

Finnish biathlete and border guard Erika Jankja told newspaper Kuhmolainen and social media about the attack of an aggressive bear on the border with Russia.

According to the 27-year-old member of the Finnish biathlon team, she was jogging near the Vartius checkpoint on the Finnish-Russian border on the evening of May 26. At that moment she saw an enraged bear ten metres away from her, which began to approach her. Then she had to fall to the ground and pretend to be dead.

“I could feel the bear sniffing my ankles and feet. I even had time to think: is this the end?” – She told a local newspaper.

Finally the animal got away from her and she managed to escape.

In her social media, she wrote that the experience “will be remembered for a long time. Erika Jankea said that she was not injured and “learned lessons from animals and nature” and thanked her colleagues, family and friends for their support.

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