Sergei Polunin Told About Three Portraits of the Russian President on His Chest

Sergei Polunin Told About Three Portraits of the Russian President on His Chest

World ballet star Sergei Polunin is known for his tattoo with a portrait of the Russian president. In an interview with Izvestia, the artist said he tried to remove all the images on his body as he was planning to return to Hollywood.

“For a year and a half I went to burn tattoos, 15 times. Withdrawal is a long process. It’s just that some tattoos have become less visible. For example, the Joker on my shoulder is almost gone. The cross is there. Just not as bright. I had all my tattoos removed, actually. I wanted to go back to Hollywood. But the SMO happened”, – said Polunin.

According to the dancer, he had to make a choice of conscience. So he kept the tattoos that mattered to him and reinstalled the Russian coat of arms on his right wrist. He also kept President Vladimir Putin’s portrait. He added two more.

“There were two options for me: either remove everything or add two more Putin’s,” Polunin said.

He said he had an agent in Hollywood and an offer to do shoots. But with the start of the SMO, he was asked to make a choice.

“People from Hollywood were coming. They wanted me to say that I condemn my country’s actions. This is unacceptable to me,” Polunin concluded.

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