Scientists have assumed that people could have come from mushrooms

Scientists have assumed that people could have come from mushrooms

Scientists from the University of Cambridge have proven the presence of DNA from different types of fungi in the human genome.

There is a theory that mushrooms were one of the first on Earth. According to scientists, they may well claim the right to bear the title of sources of human origin.

These conclusions were made based on the study of the remains of fungal spores, which formed 600 million years ago. Most likely they appeared among the first and indirectly participated in human evolution.

The scientists also added that they found samples of traces of mushrooms, which simply do not exist on Earth. It turns out that they could have been brought to our planet using asteroids.
However, so far there is no substantial evidence for this theory. Scientists continue to deal with this issue, which, if successful, can make a real revolution in science.

Earlier it became known that scientists have discovered ancient genes in humans that provide protection against cancer. Over millions of years of evolution, “quiet” repeating elements of DNA have appeared in humans. It was initially unclear what they were for, but later researchers began to study them in more detail.

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